Lifestyle's Corporate Framework Overview

Lifestyle's Corporate Framework Overview

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model, that makes the existing model obsolete.”

– Buckminster Fuller

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model, that makes the existing model obsolete.”

– Buckminster Fuller

What is Lifestyle's Growth Corporation Framework?

What is Lifestyle's Growth Corporation Framework?

The Growth Corporation Framework is an innovative legal strategy that optimizes the Delaware C-Corporation toward long-term financial success by prioritizing the health and wellness of its workforce

The Growth Corporation Framework is an innovative legal strategy that optimizes the Delaware C-Corporation toward long-term financial success by prioritizing the health and wellness of its workforce

The Delaware C-Corp is the most preferred entity type by the Fortune 500

The Delaware C-Corp is the most preferred entity type by the Fortune 500

01 Favorable Legal Environment

Delaware’s Court of Chancery is world renowned for its expertise in corporate law, providing a specialized forum for resolving corporate disputes without juries, which can lead to more predictable outcomes

01 Favorable Legal Environment

Delaware’s Court of Chancery is world renowned for its expertise in corporate law, providing a specialized forum for resolving corporate disputes without juries, which can lead to more predictable outcomes

02 Flexible Corporate Laws

Delaware’s general corporation law is one of the most flexible and advanced in the country. It allows corporations to structure their governance and operations as they see fit, providing significant freedom in management

02 Flexible Corporate Laws

Delaware’s general corporation law is one of the most flexible and advanced in the country. It allows corporations to structure their governance and operations as they see fit, providing significant freedom in management

03 Tax Benefits

While Delaware isn’t a tax-free jurisdiction, it offers favorable tax treatment to companies that operate out of other states but are incorporated in Delaware

03 Tax Benefits

While Delaware isn’t a tax-free jurisdiction, it offers favorable tax treatment to companies that operate out of other states but are incorporated in Delaware



of the Fortune 500 are

registered as Delaware-Corp


Strategic Initiatives


Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives

We upgrade the Delaware C-Corp using the Growth Corporation Framework

We upgrade the Delaware C-Corp using the Growth Corporation Framework

01 Corporate Purpose Initiative

This initiative defines the purpose of your new corporation, which is to increase shareholder value by reinvesting profits into growth. The Growth Corporation Framework aims to create long-term wealth by avoiding short-term profit extraction.

01 Corporate Purpose Initiative

This initiative defines the purpose of your new corporation, which is to increase shareholder value by reinvesting profits into growth. The Growth Corporation Framework aims to create long-term wealth by avoiding short-term profit extraction.

02 Critical Asset Initiative

An initiative to ensure the health, well-being, safety, and security of critical human assets are maintained. Expenses such as health care premiums, retreats, childcare, and housing are considered standard COGs (Cost of Goods).

03 Brand Image Initiative

An initiative to establish protocol for brand creation and investments. Brand image extends to employees with expenses relating to cosmetic styling such as apparel, accessories, and enhancements (e.g. haircuts) being necessary.

03 Brand Image Initiative

An initiative to establish protocol for brand creation and investments. Brand image extends to employees with expenses relating to cosmetic styling such as apparel, accessories, and enhancements (e.g. haircuts) being necessary.

04 Corporate Alliance Initiative

An initiative enabling your corporation to enter into mutually beneficial alliances that support each other’s brands, products, and services. Promotions create a quick and easy way to collaborate and transfer funds to other corporations.

04 Corporate Alliance Initiative

An initiative enabling your corporation to enter into mutually beneficial alliances that support each other’s brands, products, and services. Promotions create a quick and easy way to collaborate and transfer funds to other corporations.

05 Industry Expansion

An initiative to research and develop potential revenue and growth opportunities. Once a decision is made to enter into a new field such as art production or real estate, any related purchases will be corporate expenses.

05 Industry Expansion

An initiative to research and develop potential revenue and growth opportunities. Once a decision is made to enter into a new field such as art production or real estate, any related purchases will be corporate expenses.

06 Executive Credit Line Initiative

An initiative to allow the corporation to generate revenue using the executive’s assets as collateral. Allows for executives to spend on corporate accounts, and any personal items will be applied to the credit line.

The Growth Corporation Framework places you at the center during initial corporate formation

The Growth Corporation Framework places you at the center during initial corporate formation


You are the Board of Directors


You are the Board of Directors


You are the Shareholder


You are the Executive Officer


You are the Executive Officer


You are the Critical Asset


You are the Critical Asset

Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives



Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives

Integrated Agreements

Integrated Agreements



The Integrated Agreements link everything together

The Integrated Agreements link everything together

01 Shareholder Agreement

An agreement to get explicit consent that all shareholders agree to support the corporation’s purpose of creating long-term financial wealth by optimizing for growth using the Growth Corporation Framework.

01 Shareholder Agreement

An agreement to get explicit consent that all shareholders agree to support the corporation’s purpose of creating long-term financial wealth by optimizing for growth using the Growth Corporation Framework.

02 Executive Officer Agreement

An agreement that executive officers agree to be designated as a critical asset and will be on-call 24/7 to maintain excellent customer service, seek income-generating possibilities, and ensure continuous business operations.

03 Brand Alliance Agreement

An agreement between two corporations to enter into a mutually beneficial alliance. The protocol for collaboration and promotions of each other's brands, products, or services for a designated timeframe and financial amount.

03 Brand Alliance Agreement

An agreement between two corporations to enter into a mutually beneficial alliance. The protocol for collaboration and promotions of each other's brands, products, or services for a designated timeframe and financial amount.

04 Brand Promotion Initiation

An agreement to initiate a collaboration between allied corporations. The time frame and amount will be designated. This could be a one-time collaboration.

04 Brand Promotion Initiation

An agreement to initiate a collaboration between allied corporations. The time frame and amount will be designated. This could be a one-time collaboration.

05 Industry Expansion Initiation

A signed notification from the executive officer, and agreed to from the board, that they will be entering into a new industry. The industry commercial code will be indicated along with details of ongoing research and development.

05 Industry Expansion Initiation

A signed notification from the executive officer, and agreed to from the board, that they will be entering into a new industry. The industry commercial code will be indicated along with details of ongoing research and development.

06 Executive Credit Agreement

An agreement between the executive officer and the corporation to issue a line of credit. Credit lines will have an APR of 5%, and limits will be determined by calculating the share value of executive assets based on benchmark formulas.

06 Executive Credit Agreement

An agreement between the executive officer and the corporation to issue a line of credit. Credit lines will have an APR of 5%, and limits will be determined by calculating the share value of executive assets based on benchmark formulas.

Adopting Lifestyle's Growth Corporation Framework creates an elite corporate structure that optimizes financial growth and human wellness

Adopting Lifestyle's Growth Corporation Framework creates an elite corporate structure that optimizes financial growth and human wellness

01 An Engine Ready for Growth

The Growth Corporation Framework was meticulously built to ensure rapid growth of enterprise value. Paired with the Lifestyle Corporate Game Interface, you’ll be ready to step into your inherent value and grow your wealth.

01 An Engine Ready for Growth

The Growth Corporation Framework was meticulously built to ensure rapid growth of enterprise value. Paired with the Lifestyle Corporate Game Interface, you’ll be ready to step into your inherent value and grow your wealth.

02 More Access to Pre-Tax Income

The Growth Corporation Framework gives corporations the greatest opportunity to invest in growth. Expenses previously related to personal maintenance will now be considered standard corporate expenses and paid for using pre-tax income.

03 Simple, Compliant Operations

By creating an end-to-end framework that streamlines operations, Lifestyle is able to keep your corporation in full legal alignment with IRS business tax codes, Delaware corporate law, and precedent set in the public markets at an extremely low cost.

03 Simple, Compliant Operations

By creating an end-to-end framework that streamlines operations, Lifestyle is able to keep your corporation in full legal alignment with IRS business tax codes, Delaware corporate law, and precedent set in the public markets at an extremely low cost.

Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives

Integrated Agreements

Integrated Agreements



Manifested in Brooklyn, NY, USA • © 2024 Lifestyle Creations Inc. All rights reserved • TermsPrivacy

Lifestyle Creations Inc. is not a law or financial firm. We do not provide legal or financial services or advice. We provide self-help technology tools for your convenience.

(800) 363-3082

68 Jay St. Suite 201

Brooklyn, NY 11201


Manifested in Brooklyn, NY, USA

© 2024 Lifestyle Creations Inc.

All rights reserved • TermsPrivacy

Lifestyle Creations Inc. is not a law or financial firm. We do not provide legal or financial services or advice. We provide self-help technology tools for your convenience.

(800) 363-3082

68 Jay St. Suite 201

Brooklyn, NY 11201